
What Kind Of Insurance Can You Get If You Retire At 62?

What Kind Of Insurance Can You Get If You Retire At 62?

What Kind Of Insurance Can You Get If You Retire At 62? Can I Retire At 62 And Get Benefits

If you’re thinking about retiring at age sixty-two, you probably already know that there may be some big insurance changes to make, particularly if you’ve been depending on employer-sponsored coverage. Health insurance coverage when retiring before age 65 is now far less difficult to obtain due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

This is particularly true for those who have health issues or are low-income, which could have been barriers for early retirees looking for coverage before the Affordable Care Act. What will you do for medical coverage until you’re eligible for Medicare if you wish to retire before the age of 65 or find yourself forced to retire because of health concerns, reduction, or family circumstances? This post will outline your alternatives and provide you with the information you need to continue having health insurance until you can switch to Medicare.

What does early retirement mean?

Generally speaking, early retirement refers to quitting the workforce before the customary 65-year-old retirement age. Medicare benefits will not be available to you until you turn 65. To be covered until Medicare takes effect, you will need to obtain health insurance if you retire early.

Can I Retire At 62 And Get Benefits

How to obtain insurance before turning 65

You’ll need to locate other insurance until Medicare kicks in if you’re retiring at age 62 and losing your employer’s health benefits. You can choose in a few ways. Most of these options can also be helpful if you require coverage for other reasons, such as having to wait two years to get Medicare if you earn SSDI or losing your job.

Kind Of Insurance Can You Get If You Retire At 62

It’s necessary to locate health insurance that meets both your financial needs and your medical requirements if you retire early. The possibilities you may look into are listed below.


Federal law has been passed under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Maintaining your enrollment in the health insurance plan offered by your company after you quit can be beneficial. You can usually use your current coverage for 18 months if you are qualified. You may be eligible to extend your coverage for an additional 18 months in the case of another qualifying life event, such as a death in the family or a job loss. Your employer-provided health insurance usually expires at the end of the month or on the last day of employment.

Health insurance marketplace

You may be able to obtain reasonably priced health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance exchange. You can still do this even if you already have a medical condition. Prescription medication coverage, mental health services, and preventative care are among the essential health benefits that all ACA plans must offer. During the annual open enrollment period, you can visit to enroll in an ACA plan.


Following retirement, you can be eligible for Medicaid’s free or inexpensive health insurance if your household income declines. Certain mandated benefits, such as home health, nursing homes, and outpatient hospital treatments, must be provided by all Medicaid programs. Medicaid is a state-run program, while it is a federal program, and each state has its own set of extra benefits. Find out about eligibility, fees, and benefits by visiting your state’s Medicaid website. Can I Retire At 62 And Get Benefits

Plans for short-term insurance

These plans only offer short-term medical coverage, which, depending on your state, may be as short as three months or as long as three years. Short-term insurance policies usually provide fewer major medical benefits than ACA plans, even though they may be less expensive. If there is a brief period between your retirement and Medicare eligibility, these plans might be a consideration for you.

Private health insurance

A lot of people use an ACA marketplace health exchange or their employer to obtain private insurance. However, insurance companies or agents can also sell private health insurance plans directly to consumers. Commercial policies are another name for these programs. Having commercial coverage gives you the freedom to buy any plan that best suits your spending limit and medical requirements.

Are retired people’s health insurance rates cheaper?

That can vary based on the kind of insurance you select. Certain insurance plans are income-based, such as Medicaid and the plans offered through the healthcare marketplace. After retirement, you can qualify for reduced or no premiums if your income is minimal or nonexistent.

Understanding your alternatives for health insurance is important if you’re considering retiring early. Your company will no longer be contributing to your monthly premium, so you should find a plan that fits both your healthcare needs and your budget. If you have any questions, leave a comment below.


Grace Nartey

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