
What Does Obamacare Cover?

What Does Obamacare Cover?

What Does Obamacare Cover? Obamacare Pros And Cons

Obamacare is an important part of laws that aim to provide everyone with access to high-quality healthcare. The extensive coverage that Obamacare provides is one of the key qualities that set it apart. It’s necessary to know about Obamacare’s coverage in order to make informed choices about health care. People can obtain the care they require to live better lives by utilizing the extensive coverage provided to people and families.

Ten essential health benefits are now mandated by the Affordable Care Act and must be covered by health insurance plans. These plans include those that are advertised on the individual market, provided by small companies, or provided through a state marketplace. Find out what Affordable Care Act(Obamacare) health insurance plans cover.

Coverage provided by Marketplace health insurance plans

These ten important health benefits are covered by all Marketplace plans:

  • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care (but adult dental and vision coverage aren’t essential health benefits)
  • Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills)
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays)
  • Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care (both before and after birth)
  • Prescription drugs
  • Laboratory services
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)
  • Emergency services

Obamacare Pros And Cons

Further Considerations for Coverage

Obamacare offers preventative services and important health benefits in addition to new protections and measures such as:

  • Obamacare forbids insurance companies from refusing coverage or raising prices on the basis of pre-existing diseases.
  • Health Insurance for Young Adults: Up until the age of 26, teenagers are legally permitted to remain on parental insurance coverage.
  • No Lifetime or Yearly Limits: Under Obamacare, health insurance plans are not allowed to place lifespan or annual caps on essential health coverage.

Does the Affordable Care Act provide coverage for people with mental health issues?

Sure. What are referred to as essential health benefits include mental and behavioral healthcare services. The majority of health insurance plans for individuals and small businesses, as well as all plans available via the Health Insurance Marketplace®, are required to provide coverage for mental health and drug abuse disorders. Services that assist those with behavioral health issues are also necessary.

Who is eligible to use Obamacare

To qualify for Marketplace health coverage enrollment, you must:

  • Must live in the United States.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or national (or be lawfully present). Learn about eligible immigration statuses.
  • Can’t be incarcerated.

If you have Medicare coverage, you’re not eligible to use the Marketplace to buy a health or dental plan. Learn more about Medicare and the Marketplace.


Grace Nartey

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